Thursday, September 3, 2009

Entry 1.

So...This is what I'd like to call my 'above and beyond' composition journal...I've taken (and enjoyed) both of the Composition courses offered at MUN but I'm not done writing yet. Ohhh no, I do intend to leave a chunk of work behind after I am forcibly taken from this Earth kicking and screaming. Well, unless I'm hit by a house coming down a tornado or something sudden and surprising like that. Hey, it's happened- just ask my pal Elphaba, the 'Wicked Witch of the West.' Ahhhh, Wicked is such an awesome musical.

Anywho....So I've got two projects on the go. One is my four movement Asteroid B-612 from which came the second and third movement completed for Advanced Composition and the first and fourth were added so I could have it finished and submit it for the Gower Community Band composition contest. Kind of a roundabout way of doing things, doing the movements in that order but it got me where I am today. Two movements (the second and third) are completed and I'm satisfied with them, and then there's the first movement which is actually not too bad but still has some wires that need to be shoved back into the wall.

Then there is the fourth movement...I've been fighting tooth and nail to keep myself from scrapping it completely but where my piece won the band competition...I can't exactly scrap a piece of it and submit a fourth movement which is completely new. Luckily, the edits I have been making and continue to make are acceptable, as long as it's still more or less the same piece. It's wimpy and weak, and apart from the final 3 bars I'm not a fan of it. To look on the bright side- at least I know how it'll end!

On top of that, my compositional ADD has returned and for no reason in particular- unless maybe, on some subconscious level, I like to torture myself- I've started a new band piece. This'll be a one movemnt piece, I've decided. I just woke up yesterday morning and wrote for about 2 hours, and did the same thing this morning and I really like how it's going. It's kind of hard to describe exactly what it is- I can't say it's tonal, but it's not atonal, either. It's a kind of in-between style that I really like, and want to explore a bit more. I think I will call it semi-tonal. Sam Semi-Tonal, the lovechild of Tim Tonality and Allie Atonality.

...It probably already has a name, but oh well. It has a new one now. Back to work!

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